Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Obama + Prada Concepts

The idea of Barack Obama's offices plays on the insight of his thinking as the president. The attribute of power is seen by his desire to be in touched with the people, the very fabric of society.

His idealism is to be open to the people, to be as transparent and in keeping touch with normal citizens. It's this understanding of his power which is reflected on the structure. Curvilinear forms play on the whimsical notion of the fabric of society, addressed by how the structure evolves from the ground up before returning to the ground. Whist Obama's offices rest below (the idea of having both his feet on the ground, in touch with the people), the above space is open to the public to allow interaction.
Miuccia Prada's offices follow the form of fabric and how it may drape over a surface. Power to Prada is inspiration and her ability to harness emerging trends. She states materiality as her inspiration and power to mature designs, and this is evident in the overall forms of the structure.

The blue+green hue is taken from her flagship retail stores, so the light is defused between the levels to portray continuity and transparency between her designers.

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